An article used European data for the period 1995-2001 to investigate the determinants of workers' participation in training activities, and the effects of training on wages. Wage returns to training might be overstated due to failure to take adequate account of the correlation of training with confounding factors that affected wages.
Source: Cecilia Albert, Carlos Garcia-Serrano and Virginia Hernanz, 'On-the-job training in Europe: determinants and wage returns', International Labour Review, Volume 149 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Dec
The European Union approved a 10-year strategy designed to improve the quality of vocational training in Europe by making it more attractive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the labour market.
Source: The Bruges Communique on Enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the Period 2011-2020, European Union
Links: Communique | EU press release | European Commission press release
Date: 2010-Dec
An article examined differences in the referencing of 'Europe' in education policy-making in England and Scotland in order to highlight the emergent complexity of post-devolution policy-making in education. Policy-makers in England referenced global influences, rather than Europe: whereas policy-makers in Scotland referenced Europe in order to project a new positioning of Scotland in closer alignment with Europe.
Source: Sotiria Grek and Jenny Ozga, 'Governing education through data: Scotland, England and the European education policy space', British Educational Research Journal, Volume 36 Number 6
Links: Abstract
Date: 2010-Dec